Computer Education and Robotics

Computer education plays an important role in students career development. They learn programming in Software and Multimedia Software etc. which makes them familiar with the fast changing age of technology. We aim to make our students aware of the latest technological developments in the field of computer science and to make them techno-savvy so that they can face the world confidently.


“Everything we love about civilization is a product of intelligence, so amplifying our human intelligence with artificial intelligence has the potential of helping civilization flourish like never before – as long as we manage to keep the technology beneficial”.

In today’s technology-driven world, it’s important now more than ever to prepare students for the future. Teaching robotics to young students can increase their ability to be creative and innovative thinkers and more productive members of society. Robotics is a production-based learning module. Students have the opportunity to create something tangible and make it perform the actions that they program it to do.