Chairman’s Message

Chairman’s Message

These words by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam perfectly describe our aim at Lions Public School. Since its
inception the school has made remarkable progress by following the mantra of student centric
approach, whether it is in academics or in extra co-curricular activities. Beyond providing a sound education, we wish to provide our students a holistic learning experience for life. It has been our constant endeavor to instill in our students ethical values thereby making them socially responsible citizens. We believe that education should enable the students to soar high – morally, socially and spiritually.

We create not the future instead we craft our students for the future. We want our children to first taste the fruit of success once, which will then cultivate the habit of being successful in all their endeavours.

As the saying goes “Team Work makes the dream work”, at Lions Public School, we have a committed team and the team is continuously giving their best efforts in achieving the vision and mission of the institution.

LION DR. K.S. DHAKA(Chairman)

‘Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model.’ – A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Office Bearers Of The Management:-