Examination, Evaluation & Assessment

At Lions Public School, we believe in the holistic development of the students. We take the onus of making the child’s journey in school rich with many enjoyable learning experiences by providing the man exquisite platform to have their creativity and interpersonal skills.

The school follows the guidelines set by CBSE for the evaluation of the students. The curriculum for the students is carefully designed according to NEP .so that the students actively participate in the teaching-learning process. Teachers use various Audio-Visual aids and Smart Class to make learning easy and interesting. It generates the interest of the learners and they get involved in the discussions. Students are given every opportunity to interact and discuss rather than doing passive learning. Chapters are supported by worksheets and activities to evaluate the understanding of the students.

The students in the primary branch are evaluated and assessed with the pattern which includes observations, team work, parental observation, sensitivity to environment etc. Apart from the cycle test/periodic test, various parameters are set to evaluate the students. These parameters are according to the subjects to be evaluated such as reading, recitation, smart board activity, tables etc. Excellence in Education and Commitment to a meaningful Education are of prime importance. Quality education is provided to each and every child.