

A grateful heart is the happiest. It’s not happiness that brings us gratitude; it’s gratitude that brings us happiness. Living in the state of gratitude is the gateway to grace. The […]

Puberty Education Program

Lions Public school organised Puberty Education Program for the girls of classes 7th to 9th. Ms. Manya  Kapila from Right Side Story Organisation conducted the workshop.  Students actively participated in […]


Clay competition was held on 25th April 2024 for classes Nursery to UKG .The tiny tots of kindergarten showcased their artistic flair in this event. The theme was ‘A Basket […]

आभार दिवस समारोह

शुक्रवार, 26 अप्रैल , 2024 को लायंस पब्लिक स्कूल के प्रांगण में कक्षा V अ के विद्यार्थियों द्वारा आभार पर एक विशेष सभा प्रस्तुत की गई। कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत आदरणीय […]

Finger Printing Competition

To develop more creativity and fine motor skills among the students of Kindergarten ,finger printing competition organized on 9.05.24 for classes Nursery to Ukg. Picture was given by the teacher. […]


An Evacuation mock drill was conducted on 3rd May 24 in Lions Public School. An emergency bell was rung at a certain time. Within 2 minutes all the students gathered […]

English Language Day

kieEnglish Language Day was celebrated on May 1st with active participation from students across classes 6 to 8. The event featured engaging activities that aimed to enhance language skills. Class […]


“Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.” – Marion C. Garretty Mothers are a priceless gift from God and a perfect amalgamation […]


On 09.05.24, Students of classes 11 and 12 celebrated English week with a delightful and enriching event to commemorate the importance of the English language and to encourage students to […]